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Yaesu FT-767GX + MD-1 C8


Multi-Band (HF + 6m + 2m), Multi-Mode Base-Station Transceiver


- HF: 160-10 meter (with general coverage receiver)

VHF: 6 meter band (optional module installed)

- VHF: 2 meter band (optional module installed)

- Output power: 100 W (HF); 10 W (6m, 2m)

- IF shift, IF notch filter, noise blanker and  audio tone control

- Speech processor

- Modes: LSB, USB, CW, AM, FM, FSK

- AGC: off, slow, medium of fast

- 2 VFOs + 10 memories

- CQ: QSK capable; iambic keyer; sidetone control

- Complete Alignment

- Fully cleaned, repaired and verified

The Yaesu FT-767GX is a multi-band, multi-mode transceiver from the mid 1980's (made in Japan). This equipment operates on HF (all bands) and is also capable of working on the 6 meter, 2 meter and  70 cm bands, depending on the optional modules installed. Output power is 100 W in HF and 10 W on the other bands.


Sale includes:

- Yaesu FT-767GX Transceiver

- 6 meter (FEX-767-6) module

- 2 meter (FEX-767-2) module

- Desk microphone (Yaesu MD-1 C8)

- Original paper manuals: Operating Manual + Technical Supplement + Service Report

- Power Cord: C13, EU Plug


You can find the detailed specifications and the service report below.

Perfect working order (see test results below) and very good cosmetic appearance (inspect pictures and watch episodes 7 and 8).


Please check the pictures and the 8 video episodes reporting the servicing/restoration on this equipment:


Episode 1:

First tests on the bench (reception and transmission). First overall cleaning. Opening the transceiver and performing maintenance on the power supply, power amplifier stage, low pass filter board and antenna tuner. PA idling current adjustment. Adjustment of the CM coupler balance on the LPF unit.

Episode 3:

Maintenance on the optional 6 meter (FEX-767-6) module and 2 meter (FEX-767-2) module. Cleaning and restoration of the desk microphone (Yaesu MD-1 C8).

Episode 5:

Alignment/adjustment of the transceiver - IF Unit: 8.67MHz oscillator frequency (RX and TX), 3rd local level, receiver IF transformers, IF gain, S-meter calibration, FM receive sensitivity, FM receive volume preset, discriminator center calibration, noise blanker IF and IF notch resonance.

Episode 7:


Reassembly, last minute repairs and bench testing. After reassembly, a few intermittent faults were identified: the speech processor potentiometer and the VFO encoder, which had to be replaced (new components), and the fan motor which had a little play that had to be adjusted for quiet operation both in low and high speed. After solving these last-minute issues, the reception sensitivity and transmission power/ALC were tested on the bench.

Episode 2:

Antenna tuner adjustment and tests after maintenance. Antenna tuner variable capacitor servo adjustment, setting of the tuner stop SWR threshold and tuner auto-start SWR threshold. Repair of the main dial encoder (the repair was attempted by re-aligning the encoder, which resulted for a few days but proved not to be a reliable solution; the encoder had to be replaced, as explained in episode 7). Dismantling and in-depth cleaning of the front panel, buttons/knobs. Reassembly of the front panel.

Episode 4:
Alignment/adjustment of the transceiver - Local Unit: Local oscillators, band-pass filters, 45 MHz TCXO, carrier oscillators, TX IF shift, FM carrier frequency, PLL sub-loop VCO, main loop VCO's, local levels...

Episode 6:

Alignment/adjustment of the transceiver - RF Unit/Transmitter: ALC Meter zero threshold, transmitter IF transformers, ALC level, ALC meter sensitivity, PO meter calibration, automatic final protection (SWR turndown), digital SWR/Power meter calibration, transverter ALC level, VCC meter, SSB carrier balance, AM carrier level, speech processor balance, speech processor IF, FM modulation adjustment, AM IF monitor and monitor output level adjustment.

Episode 8:

Testing on-the-air and packing. Reception tests on the 40-meter and the 20-meter band. Making a contact on the 40-meter band (F5RAG). Protecting the equipment and packaging.


Original Specifications:




Reception Frequency Range:

  100 kHz to 29.99999 MHz (continuous)

  50 to 53.99999 MHz (with the 6 meter optional module)

  144 to 145.99999 MHz (with the 2 meter optional module)

  430 to 439.99999 MHz (with the 70 cm optional module)

Transmission Frequency Range (amateur/ham bands):

  1.5 to 1.99999 MHz

  3.5 to 3.99999 MHz

  7.0 to 7.49999 MHz

  10.0 to 10.49999 MHz

  14.0 to 14.49999 MHz

  18.0 to 18.49999 MHz

  21.0 to 21.49999 MHz

  24.5 to 24.99999 MHz

  28.0 to 29.99999 MHz

  50 to 53.99999 MHz (with the 6 meter optional module)

  144 to 145.99999 MHz (with the 2 meter optional module)

  430 to 439.99999 MHz (with the 70 cm optional module)

Emission Types/modes:

  LSB/USB (J3E); CW (A1A); AFSK (J1B, F1B); AM (A3E); FM (F3E)

Reference Oscillator Stability:

  Better than 3ppm (-10 ºC to + 50 ºC) after 15 min warmup

Antenna Impedance:

  Above 50 MHz: 50 Ohm, unbalanced

  HF (40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter bands): 50 Ohm, unbalanced; or 20 - 150 Ohm (using the embedded antenna tuner)

  HF (80 and 160 meter bands): 50 Ohm, unbalanced; or 25 - 100 Ohm (using the embedded antenna tuner)

Supply Voltage:

  100, 110, 117, 200, 220 or 234 VAC; 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption:

  Receive: 55 VA

  Transmit: 650 VA (maximum)


  Width: 368 mm

  Height: 129 mm

  Depth: 295 mm


  Without Options: 13.5 kg (30 lbs)

  With all the Options: 15.5 kg (35 lbs)




Output Power:

  HF (all modes except AM): 100 W

  HF (AM carrier): 25 W

  VHF/UHF (all modes except AM): 10 W

  VHF/UHF (AM carrier): 2.5 W

Modulation Types:

  SSB: balanced, filtered carrier

  AM: low level (early stage)

  FM (variable reactance (+/- 5 kHz deviation)

  FSK: audio frequency shift

Harmonic Radiation:

  HF: better than -50 dB below peak output

  VHF/UHF: better than -60 dB below peak output

Carrier Suppression (SSB):

  Better than -40 dB below peak output

Undesired Sideband Suppression (SSB)

  Better than -50 dB below peak output

Audio Response (SSB, with TX shift off):

  350 - 2900 Hz (not more than -6 dB)

3rd Order IMD (vs single tone, at 100 W PEP, 14 MHz):

  Better than -35 dB below peak output

Microphone Impedance:

  500 - 600 Ohm



Receive system: triple-conversion superheterodyne

Intermediate frequencies:

  1st: 45.03 MHz

  2nd: 8.215 kHz

  3rd: 455 kHz

Sensitivity (uV):                        (10 dB S/(S+N))                     FM (12 dB SINAD)             Squelch Sensitivity

                                            SSB/CW/FSK       AM                                                              SSB/CW/FSK/AM    FM


  100 - 200 kHz                          2.5                  25                                 -                                     20                            

  200 - 500 kHz                          1.0                    4                                 -                                     10

  0.5 - 1.5 MHz                           4.0                   20                                -                                     20

  1.5 - 29.9 MHz                         0.25                  1                              0.50                                   2                 0.32

  6 m                                          0.25                  1                              0.32                                   1                 0.32

  2 m                                          0.25                  1                              0.32                                   1                 0.32

  70 cm                                      0.25                  1                              0.32                                   1                 0.32


Image Rejection:

  1.5 - 30 MHz: 70 dB or better

  VHF/UHF: 60 dB or better

IF Rejection:

  1.5 - 30MHz: 70 dB or better

  VHF/UHF: 60 dB or better

Selectivity (-6/-60dB):

  SSB, CW, AM(N): 2.7/4.5 kHz

  CW(N) (optional): 600/1300 Hz

  AM(W): 6/16 kHz

  FM: 15/30 kHz

Notch Filter Rejection:

  Better than -30 dB

Variable IF Shift:

  +/- 1 kHz

Audio Power Output:

  1.5 W into 4 Ohm @ 10% THD

Audio Output Impedance:

  4 - 16 Ohm

For the list of controls and back pannel connections, refer to the manual.

Service Report


Date: 2020/09/01


Equipment Identification:


Make: Yaesu Musen Co.LTD.

Model: FT-767GX

Serial Number: 6M070396

Type: All-Mode Transceiver: HF + 6 m + 2 m (built-in PSU and ATU for HF)

Supplied With/Extras:

- FEX-767-6: 6-meter optional module

- FEX-767-6: 2-meter optional module

- MD-1 C8: Desktop Microphone

- Original paper manuals: Operating Manual + Technical Supplement

- Power Cord: C13, EU Plug



Service Description:


- In-depth cleaning of case, boards and all of the components.

- In-depth cleaning and polishing of the front panel, knobs, etc.

- In-depth cleaning and restoration of the desk microphone.

- Correction of the plastic speaker cover that was scratched.

- Lubrication of the fan motor and adjustments to suppress unwanted noise and vibrations.

- Replacement of the thermal compound on the power supply and power amplifier semiconductors.

- Replacement of the speech processor potentiometer (10 kOhm, linear).

- Replacement of the main dial encoder (the original encoder could not be repaired for reliable operation).

- Complete alignment as per the service manual.

- Installation of a CR2032 memory backup battery case on the back panel, for easy replacement and access.



Alignment Description and Results:


Power Supply:

- 24V adjustment: 24.0 ± 0.1 V (reception). 23.4 V (TX, full power)

- 13.5V adjustment: 13.5 ± 0.1 V


Local Unit:

- Peak tuning of the 3rd local oscillator RF amplitude

- Peak tuning of the 45 MHz bandpass filter for maximum RF amplitude

- Peak tuning of the 60 MHz bandpass filter for maximum RF amplitude

- Peak tuning of the second 45 MHz bandpass filter for maximum RF amplitude

- Adjustment of the 45 MHz reference TCXO: 45 000 000 ± 3 Hz

- 2nd local oscillator and D/A converter:

VFO = 14.00000 MHz → TP3007 = 30 030 000 ± 2 Hz

VFO = 13.99999 MHz → TP3007 = 30 029 010 ± 1 Hz

- Adjustment of the Carrier Oscillators:

Mode Pin 5 of Q3060

CW 6 784 100 ± 20 Hz

LSB 6 786 600 ± 20 Hz

USB 6 783 400 ± 20 Hz

FSK 6 787 200 ± 20 Hz

- Transmitter IF Shift adjustment (LSB, Pin 5 of Q3060, TX Shift ON at 12 o’clock): 6 786 600 ± 10 Hz

- CW BFO Frequency

Pitch Pin 2 of Q3060

800 Hz 15 000 801 ± 1 Hz

700 Hz 15 000 701 ± 1 Hz

600 Hz 15 000 600 ± 1 Hz

- FM Carrier Frequency (Pin 2 of Q3060): 15 000 003 ± 2 Hz

- PLL sub-loop VCO: TP3003 = 5.50 ± 0.01 VDC

- Peak tuning of the 41 MHz and the 56 MHz bandpass filters for maximum RF amplitude

- Main loop VCOs

Display DC Voltage at TP3006

0.000.00 MHz Adjusted for: 1.50 ± 0.01 V

7.499.99 MHz Checked OK: 5.29 ± 0.01 V

7.500.00 MHz Adjusted for: 1.50 ± 0.01 V

14.999.00 MHz Checked OK: 5.10 ± 0.01 V

15.000.00 MHz Adjusted for: 1.50 ± 0.01 V

21.999.00 MHz Checked OK: 5.47 ± 0.01 V

22.000.00 MHz Adjusted for: 1.50 ± 0.01 V

29.999.00 MHz Checked OK: 5.39 ± 0.01 V

- Peak tuning of the 2nd local oscillator for maximum amplitude.


LPF Unit:

- CM coupler balance adjusted for minimum DC voltage on pin 2 of J6107: 0.01 ± 0.01 V


IF Unit:

- Adjustment of the the 8.67 MHz oscillator frequency and peak tuning for maximum amplitude (reception mode).

- Peak tuning of the 3rd local level.

- Peak tuning of the 2rd local level.

- Adjustment of the the 8.67 MHz oscillator frequency and peak tuning for maximum amplitude (transmission mode).

- Peak tuning of the receiver IF transformers for maximum S-meter deflection.

- IF Gain adjustment: injection of 6 dBuV results in S1 indication.

- S-meter calibration: 100 dBuV results in S9+60 indication.

- FM receive sensitivity: adjusted for minimum reception THD (THD = 2.1 %; THD+Noise = 2.36 %) while injecting a 40 dBuV carrier at 14.2 MHz, modulated at 1kHz with a peak deviation of 3.5 kHz.

- Adjustment of the FM receive audio preset.

- Calibration of the discriminator meter (center).

- Calibration of the FM squelch threshold.

- Adjustment of the noise blanker IF for minimum DC voltage at gate 2 of Q1001.

- Adjustment of the IF notch resonance so that a 1.6 kHz noise is removed for the notch control at the 12 o’clock position.


RF Unit:

- Setting of the ALC meter zero threshold.

- Peak tuning of the transmitter IF transformers.

- Adjustment of the ALC level for maximum power output (~105 W at 14.2 MHz).

- Calibration of the ALC meter sensitivity.

- Analog power meter calibration (100 W = 8).

- Automatic final protection setting for 20 W at SWR = 3.

- Calibration of the digital power meter.

- Setting of the transverter ALC level.

- Adjustment of the VCC meter

- Adjustment of the SSB carrier balance for minimum power without audio injection.

- Setting of the AM carrier level.

- Tuning of the speech processor balance

- Tuning of the speech processor IF for maximum output at a fixed AF injection level

- FM modulator deviation: 4.5 kHz for 10 mV audio injection level (1 kHz)

- Peak tuning of the AM IF monitor


PA Unit:

- Idling current: 0.250 ± 0.050 A (depending on the temperature)


Antenna Tuner Unit:

- Verification of the complete rotation of the tuner variable capacitors. Ok.

- Tuner stop SWR threshold: setting of the 0.50 ± 0.01 V saturation level on TP 5001.

- Tuner auto-start SWR threshold: SWR = 3.



Final Reception Sensitivity Test (FM, Pre-Amplifier ON, 12 dB SNR):


Band       Sensitivity

MW           0.4 µV (0.5 MHz, AM)

160 m     0.32 µV

80 m       0.09 µV

40 m       0.15 µV

30 m       0.13 µV

20 m       0.29 µV

17 m       0.18 µV

15 m       0.13 µV

12 m       0.20 µV

10 m       0.12 µV

6 m         0.18 µV

2 m         0.12 µV


Final Transmission Power Test (CW or FM, 5% measurement uncertainty):


Band      TX Power

160 m    124.16 W

80 m      111.58 W

40 m      107.25 W

30 m      107.41 W

20 m      107.91 W

17 m      107.08 W

15 m      108.41 W

12 m      112.25 W

10 m      115.75 W

6 m          11.57 W

2 m          12.43 W

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